Welcome to AlcoholLicence.co.uk. This website is run by lawyers who practise in alcohol licensing law, and associated law (gambling machines on licensed premises, food and beverage law), in England and Wales, in the UK. Our principle work is related to alcohol licensing. We provide legal advice and legal representation in all alcohol licensing applications and hearings where objections are being raised. Our lawyers have had a lot of...
Read MoreMultiple Businesses Using Premises? ‘Mirror’, ‘Shadow’ And Premises Licences Eligibility For Premises Licence As Defined Under The Licensing Act 2003 Section 16 (1) (a) – (i) of the Licensing Act 2003 provides for various categories of person to apply for a premises licence. However, the largest group of applicants probably fall within the remit of section 16 (1) (a) that provides for the eligibility of: “a person who carries...
Read MoreCCTV IN LICENSED PREMISES? LICENSING CONDITIONS IN RELATION TO ALCOHOL LICENCES, HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 CCTV in licensed premises is an issue about which people are rarely neutral. As a licensee you may encounter police representations to the licensing sub-committee that installation is required. Once installed you may face concerns about privacy issues from customers. Here some of the more frequently...
Read MoreUnderstanding the Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Conditions) Order 2014 New licensing laws, called ‘mandatory conditions’ (Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2014), have come into force (28 May 2014) in England and Wales. The mandatory conditions Order for licensees now includes a system of minimum pricing of alcohol that is intended for consumption. It is anticipated that the new minimum pricing...
Read MoreHOW DO I APPLY FOR A PERSONAL LICENCE? What Is A Personal Licence? A personal licence entitles the licence holder to supply or authorise the supply of alcohol in accordance with a premises licence. The local Licensing Authority where the applicant lives ordinarily grants it. It last for 10 years and then may be renewed. Grant of such a licence is a mandatory requirement except in respect of restricted classes of individuals prescribed...
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